love how you look & feel

know exactly what and how to wear to enhance your natural self - using your personal kibbe style, body shape, and color season

1 on 1 Personal Style Profile


go from having no clue what to wear... to loving how your clothes & styling make you feel.

If you feel like you just don’t know how to dress, if you wish you felt and looked more confident in your look, if you want to show yourself exactly how you want to be seen -

you’re in the right place. 

A few years ago, I was stuck with my style. I didn't know what clothes to wear that made me look the way I wanted to look: stylish, beautiful, and confident.

But that all changed when I started actually studying style - and i found the 3 components that completely changed the game with my personal style.

This Style Formula, will help you find your personal style according to your natural look and to make you absolutely love choosing what to wear everyday, knowing that everything fits you perfectly and highlights your personal, natural beauty.

You can uncover your personal style (because everyone already has it) by learning which silhouettes accentuate your individual body shape beautifully, which styles will bring your unique facial features, and which colors make your skin glow.

You can dress in such a way that you love what you see in the mirror every day. 


Worth more than all the clothes in your wardrobe :)

clients' experiences